Saturday, April 28, 2007

Al Gore: my president...of the World.

It was an iconic vision that lit bright like a bulb in my head. An episode of the Twilight Zone in 1984 showed two traveling scientists from the future trying to save a 14 year old girl in the present year (1984) not to skip class and take drugs and turn herself to an alcoholic for she will be the president of the world in the next 40 years. Highly fictional. But it was a dark cloud hovering over my head for 20 years. Is it possible to have one president for the whole planet? Is it humanly possible?
Then in 2006 I saw the documentary An Inconvenient Truth the very first day it was in theatres, I was just convinced...he could be the one. Al Gore may probably be the very first president of the world.
As a politician he has with him the whole package; non reticent in demeanor and stand, philosophical and a genius in multiple facets of human strife, he has great foresight and pro active by nature. As a member of the social cornucopia he carries with him a sense of humor like no other, the heart for those affected by several degrees of hardship, his family and the extension of his family roots him to bring forth what is best for others, he takes what hurts into the more positive. He infectiously becomes this principal mover to change the immediate paced strides.
Gore has spoken the truth for years. In school, in papers, in his books, in congress and senate, in public appearances in hearings and lobbying. He was ridiculed, thought of expanding a hoax when it comes to his global warming issues and tapped as an extremist on fooling the public and influencing global status quo. He will never be any of these anti conservationist labeling.
I see his face on TV. And i browse photos of him spread all over cyberspace...from a youthful looking rockstar of the white house to this trimmed salt and pepper haired prolific environmental mover. The lines on his face reveal experience, pain, defeat,sleepless nights, dreams, mourning, hunger, will,uhmp for change, solutions and resolutions thought of day in and day out, his hopes for the United States, his hopes for the whole world, his concern for mankind...the list is endless. And yet when you see him, on that stage, speaking about where we are right now and showing slides of our planet and what have we done so far; you see no lines on his face at all but fine pennants of a man made for OTHERS and for the WORLD.
The man is unstoppable. He did lose the presidential election in 2000, one of the most devastating elections I have ever experienced in my life. Yet Gore decided in a heartbeat that he would have to do something, so he professed to show his slides again and speak...and share as far as where his soul will reach him. He did not even question and succumb to such a defeat and soared way above to do greater things.
Yes, there will be others, far better than this man, your own candidate perhaps. But in my world...he is my EARTH PRESIDENT.

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